19 yr old college student wanting to buy a motorcycle, but need advice! (PLEASE HELP)?

19 yr old college student wanting to buy a motorcycle, but need advice! (PLEASE HELP)?

BACKGROUND: I am a 19yr old sophomore at NC State, and I have a car on campus. I have to park 1.5 miles from my dorm, but there is motorcycle parking right near. I work about 35hrs a week off campus, and am dreading the troop to my car. I am paid about $400 every other week working for a rental company, and I also receive $100 every other week from my internship. (have had both jobs for roughly 2 months) FINANCIAL SITUATION: I have $600 saved and have been quoted at around $500 for one year of motorcycle insurance. A motorcycle parking pass near my dorm is roughly $20 yr, and I have been wanting a motorcycle so now is my excuse to get one. I was planning to pay off one year of motorcycle insurance, finance a $3000 bike--2014 Honda From, just something to play around on--(but since I earn so much, i can pay off the bike within 6 months. BUT I HAVE NO CREDIT!!! MY QUESTIONS: 1. Where is a good place to obtain a cheap loan, with no cosigning or credit? 2. How should I go about getting my motorcycle license? If I drive the bike I am thinking of purchasing up there, I may get a ticket 3. Can someone please give me some advice?? Ps, HYPOTHETICALLY, if all went my way: I could get a loan/financing at a dealership, get the bike back to my friends house (to keep there since i need a motorcycle license to purchase a motorcycle parking pass), take the road test to get my license ^OR^ get it insured, get license, buy parking pass, live happily ever after.


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes:insure-cheap.info





How can I get cheaper car insurance?

I live in Toronto, but my address on my liscence is in a smaller town about an hour out of the city. The car that I have is registered on my husbands Toronto lisence. I want to buy insurance using my out of the city address so it will be cheaper. Would I be able to do this even though I technically live in Toronto?



What's an good place to get auto insurance?

What's an good place to get auto insurance?



Insurance with learners permit in florida?

Ok i'm 15 years old and i just got my learners permit. I need to know if i need to have insurance in order to drive the car with my parents or i only need insurance when i get my license. Please try an answer with evidence and what not, thanks in advance



What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?

What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?



Why are my car insurance quotes so high?

I'm about to get my first car at 25, and thought I'd look at insurance quotes for a cheap little run-around to get me started. I have only just passed my test so expected quotes to be quite high, but so far haven't seen anything below 4000 for a year! I tried looking for a quote on a Renault 1996 Clio 1.2 Versailles. Thought that would be pretty cheap. From what I've heard, I should be looking around the 1k mark for a year. Any clues as to what I'm doing wrong?



Vauxhall Astra 1.7 cdti Insurance?

I'm 17 soon so i'm looking for cars to get, and I've been looking at a 1.7 cdti Vauxhall Astra (100bhp) 3 door, and i can easily afford a decent 2005-07 model but its the insurance I'm worried about, i don't want to buy a nice decent first car and not be able to insure the damn thing, and all of the quote websites I've been on are giving me stupid answers so I'm just wondering if any of yous have had one of these for your first cars and how much it cost to insure it or if you just have a good idea on how much it would cost? thanks.



How much would it cost to make an insurance comparison site?

I live in a place that doesn't currently have a good insurance comparison site. I have little experience with website design and costing. I would be looking for a good quality site, comparing 4 markets and 6-8 companies for each.



Question about insurance liabilty when driving a drunk friend home in his car?

My friend asked me to drive his car for him to pick him up because he was drinking. I picked him up and on the way home got into a fender bender at my fault. His insurance paid for the damages done to the other vehicle, but he does not have complete coverage for his car and wants me to cover 800 dollars in damages done to his vehicle. I do not feel responsible for this. I have minimum coverage. Will he be able to take me to claims court? Am I liable for his damages?



Would you accept a job working as an Insurance Call Center Agent?

The job entails helping senior citizens all over the country obtain affordable insurance solutions that cover their final expenses and medical bills. The work hours are Monday ...show more




IN california, how much cheaper is girls insurance from guys? Also, If I have a C average for my grades, can I get a discount?



Is it realistic to think that my motorcycle insurance yearly premium will be less than $2000?

I am a 20 year old male in Southern California. I have had a drivers license for just over 2 years (no accidents), will be taking a Motorcycle Safety class right before getting my license, have decent credit, and will be financing a used motorcycle ($5000 or less and have between 500 and 900 cc because I am a very big guy). I know it will vary a lot but is it crazy to think that I will be paying less than $2000 per year for my insurance?



Buying a motorcycle and insurance?

Might be a weird question. I plan on getting a bike. To get insurance on a bike do you need the title and everytbing under your name first? And if I buy from a dealer, how do I get it home without insurance? You need a bike to get insurance but you need insurance to drive it home from the dealer. How does it work if I make sense.



Any good/affordable individual health plans for me and unborn baby in Connecticut?

My boyfriend and I are moving to Connecticut in Nov. from Seattle area. His plan can't be renewed until next summer. I got laid off in July and am currently on COBRA plan with my former employer ($350/month). The carrier is Kaiser Permanente. The HR told me there is no Kaiser in NY/Connecticut area and recommends me to buy individual health plan with other companies. Anybody knows good health plans for young and healthy woman (with a baby coming) in Conn. area? Thanks in advance!



What is the best car insurance company for a graduate student?

What is the best car insurance company for a graduate student?



Can anyone recommends a good and cheap car insurance in CA? Thanks

Can anyone recommends a good and cheap car insurance in CA? Thanks



Will buying a salvage title car make my insurance go up? ?

The car is in mint condition now I got a mechanic o look at it it's fully restored but if I buy it will it effect my car insurance



How much will Liability Car Insurance Cost For A 20 year Old Male?

Im going to get a car soon, something 2004 or older.



How can our teen get health insurance in California?

He's 19 and a part-time student. so he no longer qualifies for our Kaiser Permanente coverage. We seemed to have missed the deadline to cover him by COBRA. In a few months he'll be taking full-time classes again, so he can go back into Kaiser, but knowing him he'll catch the flu or Dutch Elm Disease or something just to bug me. Is there any affordable way to get him covered for the next few months? Would he qualify for Medi-Cal (Medicaid)?



Does engine size make your car insurance go up?

I have a 1.4L engine at the moment and thinking of getting a car that has a 1.6 engine. There are not a lot of differences between the two cars, apart from the engine size. (they are both very small cars, made in the same year etc) Will this make my insurance go up?



Will a B average my freshman year apply to an auto insurance discount?

I had a 3.2 last year (my freshman) year, and as of now I have about a 2.5. I'll be getting my car soon, so if I can't bring it up by then, will they accept last year's GPA so I can get a 10% discount?



Insurance for a 2008 Subaru Sti Hatchback?

Is the Insurance for the new 08 Sti hatchbacks gonna be cheaper than those of 04-07 Sedans? Im 18, have good grades and a clean record and was curious how much my insurance would be if i bought the Sti. Just a ballpark estimate. Thanx



Why do the Cons enjoy that insurance premiums are avg. $13,000 per year?

And expected to get up to $25,000 within ten years? Do they enjoy that average Joe might spend about half of their annual income on insurance? I'm interested to know how either s bankrupt nation or an illness plagued nation is good for the country. ? These statistics are all over the news today



So i have a full coverage on my car insurance, and now this situation, need advice?

The insurance estimator guy told me that i can only take my car to a specific place to be repaired OTHERWISE he is going to tell me that the car being ruined was my fault (it ...show more



Maternity Insurance?

Does any one know of a good insurance for maternity. I have been trying to concieve for a year and 8 months with no luck. It is time to visit a doctor. But I think it is better for me to get insurance since fertility treatments are expensive. Which insurance would you go with?



Do I need to switch car insurance for being out of state temperaily? Am I still covered?

I have car insurance in Florida, but I'm going to be going to school in New Jersey for probably for 2 years. Do I need to switch my car insurance or will I still be covered under FL rates? My DL has my Florida address and my car is registered in Florida. I plan on going back, so what should I do? Thanks (I'm with State Farm BTW)


19 yr old college student wanting to buy a motorcycle, but need advice! (PLEASE HELP)?

BACKGROUND: I am a 19yr old sophomore at NC State, and I have a car on campus. I have to park 1.5 miles from my dorm, but there is motorcycle parking right near. I work about 35hrs a week off campus, and am dreading the troop to my car. I am paid about $400 every other week working for a rental company, and I also receive $100 every other week from my internship. (have had both jobs for roughly 2 months) FINANCIAL SITUATION: I have $600 saved and have been quoted at around $500 for one year of motorcycle insurance. A motorcycle parking pass near my dorm is roughly $20 yr, and I have been wanting a motorcycle so now is my excuse to get one. I was planning to pay off one year of motorcycle insurance, finance a $3000 bike--2014 Honda From, just something to play around on--(but since I earn so much, i can pay off the bike within 6 months. BUT I HAVE NO CREDIT!!! MY QUESTIONS: 1. Where is a good place to obtain a cheap loan, with no cosigning or credit? 2. How should I go about getting my motorcycle license? If I drive the bike I am thinking of purchasing up there, I may get a ticket 3. Can someone please give me some advice?? Ps, HYPOTHETICALLY, if all went my way: I could get a loan/financing at a dealership, get the bike back to my friends house (to keep there since i need a motorcycle license to purchase a motorcycle parking pass), take the road test to get my license ^OR^ get it insured, get license, buy parking pass, live happily ever after.


Where can I get affordable health insurance?

I am a full time college student, and my school offers insurance, but it is expensive. I need basic health care to cover doctors visits, specialist visits, and x rays. The main reason I need coverage is that my back is messed up from a car accident about a year and a half ago and I can't take the pain anymore. I went to my states website and the insurance they offer is currently not accepting applications. I have looked at tons of sites online, but so far am having no luck. Any advice would be appreciated.



What's the best site for cheap bike insurance ?

need to insurance my moped but want to make sure I get a good deal and cheap, any ideas ? thanks



How much will it cost to insure a cheap car?

So I already have a car and I'm under my parents insurance but I want to buy a project car just for fun but how much would that cost me roundabout to insure



Will you buy the Life Insurance ? Why? How much?

Some people are concerning about Health Insurance more than Life Insurance and I don't know which one I should buy first.



Car insurance question?

My boyfriend doesn't have a car therefore he doesn't have car insurance... If he were to get into an accident driving my car or get a ticket, would my insurance go up? I have full coverage and the insurance company said he and I would be covered. But I was wondering if my insurance would go up if he were to get pulled over or get into an accident.



Can car insurance companies check if you drive another car ?

if you get a car insurance quote and you say you have access to another car in your information is there any way they can check ? I have just renewed my car insurance and noticed that it was cheaper when i said i had regular use of another car. The thing is i do have use of my brothers car but im not an actual name driver on the insurance. My brothers car is fully comprehensive and thinks that anyone can drive the vehicle. Is this true ? i dont get how my insurance company are going to catch me out if im driving my brothers car without any mention of my name on his insurance



Insurance question?

what is the average price of insurance of a 18 year old male with a sports car in the zip code area of 72601



Which is the cheapest car insurance in Louisiana?

Which is the cheapest car insurance in Louisiana?



If I have a 3rd car to add to CA insurance, will they check who lives at my address?

I already have 2 cars insured with AAA in California. I am transferring my daughter's car to me because she had a DUI. If I insure it with AAA, will they look into who lives at my address? Should I go with a new insurance company for her car and if so, do the insurance companies exchange information?



Does my aunt need insurance to drive with a learners permit in CA?

My aunt just got passed the written test in the DMV and got a learners permit. I will be the one who will teach her how to drive. I have a valid CA license and the car we are driving is my uncle's. It is insured in his name, but he added me to his policy. Do we need to go to the insurance company and add my aunt to the policy or can I just teach her because I am insured with the car.



Why is it the law to have car insurance?

I mean if I get into a car wreck. Will the insurance company really cover the cost of me getting into an accident? It feels like I will just be dumping money down their throats for nothing in return.



Boyfriend totaled my car, i have a $500 collision deductable on my insurance?

my boyfriend totalled my 17,000 car. the car was totally paid off and i have $500 deductable for collisions on my insurance,. he has liability on his insurance. does anyone knnow what will happen from here, since he was driving i dont know for sure what insurance covers and what i will have to pay



What 600cc Sports Bike is cheapest to Insurance?

Cheapest i got some far is 750 on a honda CBR 600 im looking at not spending more then 500 on insurance



I'm looking for an affordable medical insurance for me and my husband. Any experiences or suggestions.?

The one I have thru my employer is not good, will like to shop around but don't know where.



How much does private health insurance cost in Johannesburg, South Africa for 1 healthy young person?

My husband may be relocated to South Africa for about a year. My sister was going to come with us. My husband gets health insurance through his work for him and I and my two kids. My sister would have to get her own health insurance. I understand that you want private coverage over there b/c its considerably better. We are from the U.S. Does anybody know the average cost (just an estimate) of about how much it would cost her per month for private health care insurance over there for one person? We would be in the Johannesburg area. She is 26 yrs old, non smoker, physically fit, no health problems at all, etc. No maternity coverage needed either.just a basic just in case something happens plan. Shes had no prior surgeries or anything else like that and no pre existing conditions. She also does not take any medications. Any info on this would help a lot! Thanks.



First Time Insurance?

i have just bought a 1998 fiat punto and would like to insure it.... i am going under my dads policy i have my test next month so i am looking fo a provisional insurance for a month and then change it ... i am not finding any insurance that is a cheap enough budget for me i am living in the uk ??? and good insurace out there ???



Been priced out of insurance AGAIN!!?

Ok thought i would be getting a car, but kept on getting 6,000-8,000 quotes which is ridiculous. So then i thought o well lets leave the car alone for a few years. Found a fantastic bike that i tested for 1,500 LEXMOTO XTR S 125. Drum role please INSURANCE 2,000!!! people told me i was suppose to be getting 500 odd for insurance for a 125cc bike. i live in london :|. age:17



Health Insurance for Newborn baby?

I get health insurance through my job but I think I can get a better quote than what they offer if I go about it independently. What suggestions do you all have in terms of a good health insurance coverage? Is it best to have a higher deductible and lower premium or vice versa for a newborn? I want what will be the best for him but the most affordable for us. Thanks! :)



Can I get Classic Car insurance?

I'm 16 and have been looking at a lot of classic cars (specifically a 1971-1973 Mustang Mach 1) and ran into a bit of a dilemma... My dad is a car dealer, owning his own used dealership, so he has insurance that covers all the cars, rather than just one. But, you have to be 18 to be under that policy, so I can't be on it, and I've heard that unless you're under you parents policy, you can't have classic car insurance until you're 25. But, I heard that you can get liability only (Which is my state's minimum coverage), so I was wondering if that was true. Would I be able to get just liability on a classic car? Or should I just cut out all the complicated stuff and get a modern car?



Should i be on my own insurance or be added to my parents?

My parents own a 2004 chevy trailblazer and a dodge caravan. If i were to get any type of 4 cylinder car.. would it be cheaper to be on my own insurance or just to be added on to theirs. I am 16 and not 17 til august, but i have money for a car and need a car but cant figure out which would be cheaper for when i do get a car. HELPPP



Why public opt for health insurance and not public opt for health auto insurance?

Just a random question. Auto insurance is required in most (if not all) states. Health insurance is not yet. They both cost about the same out of pocket. Just curious as to why people who support public option are not also complaining about the cost of mandatory liability.



Will my insurance go up when i get my own car?

i'm on my grandpa's insurance which makes my insurance 27 dollars a month but i do not have my own car. when i get my own car will the insurance go up and if so, how much will it go up?



How much insurance do you guys pay for 2005+ mustang gt?

im 21 years old and thinking about buying a 2007 mustang since I have saved up enough money for one. I have 3 speeding tickets in my record driving history. I can only afford upto $4000-$4500 a year in insurance. Can I not afford this car? Gas and winter driving are not problems for me.



Whats the difference between Medi -Cal and Health Insurance?

Whats the difference between Medi -Cal and Health Insurance?



Will a reduced 1 point Defective Headlamps ticket affect my auto insurance?

I was pulled over for turning onto a one way street the wrong way, which is a 3 point ticket in Denver. If I pay within the first 20 days the ticket is reduced to a 1 point Defective Headlamps ticket. My parents have state farm insurance. Will they be notified of this ticket through the insurance and will my insurance rates increase? I'd rather them not know, and the cop said my insurance wouldn't be affected because of the reduced ticket. I just wanted to follow up. Thanks!


19 yr old college student wanting to buy a motorcycle, but need advice! (PLEASE HELP)?

BACKGROUND: I am a 19yr old sophomore at NC State, and I have a car on campus. I have to park 1.5 miles from my dorm, but there is motorcycle parking right near. I work about 35hrs a week off campus, and am dreading the troop to my car. I am paid about $400 every other week working for a rental company, and I also receive $100 every other week from my internship. (have had both jobs for roughly 2 months) FINANCIAL SITUATION: I have $600 saved and have been quoted at around $500 for one year of motorcycle insurance. A motorcycle parking pass near my dorm is roughly $20 yr, and I have been wanting a motorcycle so now is my excuse to get one. I was planning to pay off one year of motorcycle insurance, finance a $3000 bike--2014 Honda From, just something to play around on--(but since I earn so much, i can pay off the bike within 6 months. BUT I HAVE NO CREDIT!!! MY QUESTIONS: 1. Where is a good place to obtain a cheap loan, with no cosigning or credit? 2. How should I go about getting my motorcycle license? If I drive the bike I am thinking of purchasing up there, I may get a ticket 3. Can someone please give me some advice?? Ps, HYPOTHETICALLY, if all went my way: I could get a loan/financing at a dealership, get the bike back to my friends house (to keep there since i need a motorcycle license to purchase a motorcycle parking pass), take the road test to get my license ^OR^ get it insured, get license, buy parking pass, live happily ever after.


Insurance Corp. refuse to pay for a stolen car....?

My friend's new Honda was stolen near his home. ICBC, a crown corporation, refused to pay because they said the car was thief proof. And they suspect may friend stole his own car then filed the insurance claim. Does anyone had such an experience with the insurance company? What should be done about it?



First time driver (18 years old) how much should I pay for car insurance?

I've got my test booked in a few days (fingers crossed) and I've been looking at cars and still haven't decided... I need a few ideas on what would be cheapest to insure. However I am slightly picky and do not want to be driving around in a hundred year old baked bean can!! If people who are a similar age can just tell me what they drive and how much they paid for their insurance it would be very helpful! Or if people could just give me some ideas on cars and stuff it would be muchos appreciated! Thanks!



Car Insurance Question?

I am 25 today and was always told that your car insurance rates will go down when you reach this age. Is this true? If so, how much can I expect my insurance to drop? Im a male. Im insured through Allstate. No accidents. 1 speeding ticket in 9 yrs of driving. I drive a 2007 f-150 4x4 v8



I need super cheap health insurance?

I need super super cheap health insurance in San Diego, California. Its for a school soccer club, so I don't care what kind... I just need outside insurance and quick... and SUPER cheap!! Any suggestions?



About how much would it cost to insure a commercial building?

I'm looking into buying a commercial building to teach martial arts in. I live in a small town in KY and the buildings I'm looking at are about $25,000. I'm not sure what type of insurance I will have to have or how much it will cost me. Could someone please give me some idea of what type of insurance I will need and how much it might cost? I don't know if I just need to insure the building or if I need business insurance too. Thanks.



How do I advertise to people in California qualified to buy car insurance?

For the best insurance coverage all you need is a fax machine and a genuine need and intention to buy auto insurance now.



Why is the Infiniti G37S Coupe insurance premium costs so high?

I looked up average insurance premium costs for the G37S coupe, and the cost was over $2600. I then looked up the Infiniti's competitors, the BMW 335i coupe and the Audi S5 4.2 which costs $1900+ and $1800+ respectively. Why is the insurance premium of the G37S so much higher? Thanks in advance.



How much would motorcycle insurance cost me for 6 months being 16 driving a 2008 kawasaki ninja 250R??




How can I get some insurance?

I received a brand new bike a week ago but I dare not give it a try because I have not got it covered by insurance yet. I have tried multiple insurance companies online but every one I tried there would be a snag. Mainly it would be, 'what kind of driving licence do you hold'? I personally hold a clean driving licence for a car, but in the drop down list of different driving licences 'car' was not among them, so I could not go to the next section to continue trying to insure my bike. I live out of the city so applying for insurance and paying for it online would be the easiest option.



If i crashed my motorcycle, would my dad get penalized on his insurance?

Quite recently I bought a motorcycle (Kawasaki 650r) and in order to save money on my motorcycle insurance, I insured my dad as the primary driver on it (had his license accident free for 40 years). Im still on the policy and everything, but if i were to crash and total my bike, god forbid, would my dad get penalized on his insurance?



How much is car insurance?

My mom said she would buy me a car, as long as i payed for the insurance. Im thinking about getting an SUV if that matters. Also I'm Terrell Owens so money is not an issue.



Health insurance question.....?

My daughter broke her arm. She is insured with my husband's insurance. The insurance company agreed to pay for the hospital and doctor bills but the doctor's office never submitted the bill to our insurance company. There is evidence that they submitted it to the wrong insurance company and are trying to blame us for it saying we gave them the wrong information. I have no idea where they think we came up with information on an insurance company we never had. Moreover they had the right information when they billed our insurance for a previous case. Now 2 years later the doctor's office is trying to collect the money from us saying it is too late to collect on our insurance. Can they do that? We pay a lot for health insurance every month and now we have a huge medical bill too.



Where can i get the cheapest car insurance and only 3rd party i am aged 18?

Where can i get the cheapest car insurance and only 3rd party i am aged 18?



Is there a significant difference in auto insurance rates when males turn 25 years old?

I had a friend who worked in auto insurance for a few months, he said that it is all a myth, which is hard to believe. I live in California, and I wanted to get a nicer car when I'm older but insuance is going to be a killer.



How can i get cheaper insurance on my 1998 honda civic 1.5?

Every time i want to find a cheap insurance on my Honda civic 1.5 i get quotes starting from 4000, this is insanity, my car is worth not more than 600 and insurance is almost 10 times bigger. I am 20 years old.



Hu is the cheapest car insurance for dr10?

Hu is the cheapest car insurance for dr10?



Insurance cost, coupe vs sedan?

How large is the difference of a subaru brz coupe and a kia optima sedan? If the factors are constant besides the cars for a 16 year old male?



Flat insurance costs?

How much is flat insurance on average in the UK?



Does anyone know how much a boat would cost me for a year, that's including gas, insurance, etc.?

Does anyone know how much a boat would cost me for a year, that's including gas, insurance, etc.?



17 year old car insurance?

I'm a 17 year old guy, straight A's. I was in a one accident, took out a power pole, but was not cited, have never gotten a ticket. How much should I be paying for car insurance. Right now it is $180 a month. Is that high or not? How much do most 17 year olds pay? The reason I ask is that a quote I got for switching to my Dad's insurance company was a lot lower, I don't know whether to believe it or not.



How much should i be paying for car insurance?

I'm a 18 yr old male...driving a 94 Pontiac Firebird. How much should i be spending? appreciate the help. [ my GPA is 3.6 if that has anything 2 do with it]



Im depressed because i cant get good price on car insurance :(?

I am 21 old male. I passed my driving test 5 months ago and my premium is way too high because I have 3 points on my licence. They were not displaying L plates. I really feel bad because my parents don't drive and I think it would be great to help out with the shooping at least. car insurance is coming up as 3000 and i cant afford. I really want to be there for my parents and drive to work in the early mornings. :( any ideas?



Pregnancy and health insurance questions:?

I found out that I am 6 weeks pregnant, and have my own health insurance. What I would like to know is if I want to get on my husbands insurance for the new year will I be able to? Or will I not be able to get on his insurance because they will consider it pre-existing condition? His insurance is better than mine. My baby is due the end of April.



Husband won't get life insurance?

We just married a few months ago. He bought a house a month before we married through VA loan. We are almost 40, and I believe we need life insurance on each other to cover house, cars, debts, ect.... I have enough on me to cover for my part and some. My husband told me that my name if not on the house so I have not financial bearing. If he dies, I can simply walk out the house and downgrade to a trailer, apartment, rent home, cheper home, whatever.... or I can sell his things to help pay the note... OUr house isn't new and very simple!! regardless, I think this is rude. you don't leave your widowed spouse with all that baggage. He makes plenty that he could afford a policy. I am asking him to cover most of the house, his vehicle, and personal debt... which he has a bunch from before our marriage. Am I being hard on him? He isn;t willing to share checking account or save together. He doesnt want me minding his finaces- none of my business is what he tells me pretty much.



How to find health insurance for a pregnant mother?

how can i get health insurance if im already pregnant or is there other affordable options available


19 yr old college student wanting to buy a motorcycle, but need advice! (PLEASE HELP)?

BACKGROUND: I am a 19yr old sophomore at NC State, and I have a car on campus. I have to park 1.5 miles from my dorm, but there is motorcycle parking right near. I work about 35hrs a week off campus, and am dreading the troop to my car. I am paid about $400 every other week working for a rental company, and I also receive $100 every other week from my internship. (have had both jobs for roughly 2 months) FINANCIAL SITUATION: I have $600 saved and have been quoted at around $500 for one year of motorcycle insurance. A motorcycle parking pass near my dorm is roughly $20 yr, and I have been wanting a motorcycle so now is my excuse to get one. I was planning to pay off one year of motorcycle insurance, finance a $3000 bike--2014 Honda From, just something to play around on--(but since I earn so much, i can pay off the bike within 6 months. BUT I HAVE NO CREDIT!!! MY QUESTIONS: 1. Where is a good place to obtain a cheap loan, with no cosigning or credit? 2. How should I go about getting my motorcycle license? If I drive the bike I am thinking of purchasing up there, I may get a ticket 3. Can someone please give me some advice?? Ps, HYPOTHETICALLY, if all went my way: I could get a loan/financing at a dealership, get the bike back to my friends house (to keep there since i need a motorcycle license to purchase a motorcycle parking pass), take the road test to get my license ^OR^ get it insured, get license, buy parking pass, live happily ever after.


How will my car insurance change now that i am married?

Hi, I just got married. I am 30 and she is 23. I pay about $76 a month on my car , she pays about $125 and both are full coverage. Mine is with Geico and hers is with some other company. I will get a quote in a few days, but I was just interested, as to what our insurance rate will be when we combine, probably with Geico. Is hers going to make it very high or what can I expect. Thanks.



Cheap car insurance with a claim?

I've had an unlucky year, my first car got written off, and just recently i've had my second car stolen and not recovered. This has happened in the space of a year, and i have nearly had my licence one year. What are my options to get insured as cheap as possible? are there any insurance companies out there that specifically insure young drivers or drivers with claims?



Where can I get some good cheap SR-22 insurance?

I'm in the Chicago area. I need SR-22 insurance as it's required by the state. My license was suspended and it expired soon afterward. I trying to get my license back. So I need SR-22 insurance for someone who was an expired suspended license. I don't own any vehicles either.



What are the best Car Insurance Websites online?

There are tons of car insurance websites, how do I know which will give me the lowest insurance?



Switch auto insurance from USAA to Nationwide?

If the policy quoted by Nationwide was ~35% cheaper than what USAA would give, for the exact same coverage, would you switch? Why or why not?



Which is the best car insurance coverage for an affordable price?

Right now I am insured with Allstate. I am under an Allstate plan called the gold protection plan in which I will be eligible for a new car if there is an accident. I think I am paying a liitle too much for car insurance. I have a 2004 Honda civic and a 2006 Honda civic. Both cars has full coverage. Does a two year old car need full coverage. I am a safe driver and so far there have been no accidents. But two times some one came and hit my older car and both times the damage was covered under the other party's insurance. Is comprehensive coverage enough for me or is it a good idea to keep the full coverage. Any recommendation.



What cool yet cheap car is suitable for a 17 year old boy?

I was thinking a classic mini cooper maybe? they got really cheap insurance but tbh I shudder probs look at life insurance not car insurance. I saw the MG ZR and that's cheap and looks good and with airbags... what do u reckon?



What is a good affordable health insurance policy/company?

I need health insurance but I can't afford most policies. My husband doesn't make a lot and the insurance he can get through his job is just too costly. Can anyone help?



Car Insurance Cancellation Question?

My father's car insurance was canceled for non-payment. He pays for the insurance every six months. Apparently they stopped mailing him bills and sent a bill to his email account. It was an old out of date email account. The sent the notice of cancellation to this email account as well. Since, he no longer has that email account he didn't get either notifications. He has 3 cars under this policy and has been a customer for over 30 years. The insurance company told him that he would have to pay for the months (Aug - Dec) that he was not covered in order to reinstate the policy. This seems unfair to me. He wasn't covered during those months and they wouldn't have paid a claim so why does he need to pay for it? Anyone with any advice would be greatly appreciated.



Can a lie about having historical plates for cheaper insurance?

When trying to get a quote from progressive online, it asks whether the motorcycle is registered as a historical vehicle. If I click yes the insurance is 50% cheaper than normal. Can I just click yes and buy then insurance, then register my bike? I don't have much money, and I only want to ride it for 2 months before I move.



How do I get my health insurance company to cover hiv testing?

HIV testing is now covered under the affordable care act. I went to my ob/gyn for my pregnancy and he ordered hiv testing but I got a bill from the lab for the full cost of the test. ...show more



How much, on average, is contents insurance?

I'm attending university soon and I will be flatting. I want to get contents insurance for my belongings. I will be taking $10,000 worth of things with me (Clothing, Shoes, Accessories, Laptop, iPod, Bedding, Books, small shelves, clothing rack etc) What is the average cost for insurance per week? Any answer will help. I'm working out my budget! Thanks in advance.



Where can I get some car insurance from?

Insurance for a 1998 ford explore



Who is the Blonde looking for better insurance rates in the progressive insurance commercial.?

She works alongside Stephanie Courtney in the progressive insurance company commercials.



Nissan GTR for a teenager?

Hey everyone, I am a 16 year old who runs a photography business in Nashville, TN. I have been saving up for a car for the last 7 years, originally for a BMW M3 or Audi S5. I have amassed about $25,500 to spend on the car, and have a steady income to pay for insurance and gas. There was a recent question asking whether it would be safe to give a child like myself a car like the M3 or the Nissan GTR. However, I feel as though such a generalized statement is grossly inappropriate. I feel that responsibility in an automobile should fully be determined by ones own experience and responsibility, as opposed to strictly ones age. For example, I have shifter cart racing experience, have taken multiple high performance driving courses from some of the best. (Truly recommend Bondurant's program BTW). I have over a 4.0 GPA, and am editor and director of an online magazine and our school's paper. I make a decent wage from a job and business that I created myself, and have learned marketing and advertising from some of the best in the field (anyone heard of the oldspice commercials?). My own determination has lead to success and my ability to reward myself with a highly exclusive and phenomonal driving machine. On the other hand, no one would doubt the maturity or ability of a man thrice my age attempting to buy the same vehicle, who had never driven on a track, who had never used ABS, and who had never learned the evasive driving techniques necessary to driving such an automobile. Herein lies the problem. In the previous discussion on this same topic, the driving of a GTR by someone my own age was likened to handing someone like myself a loaded .44 Magnum. However, this in itself is a stereotype. I am a nationally ranked rifle competitor who knows how to build, much less safely use, a .44 Magnum. I am a member of USA Shooting and the NRA and CMP competitive shooting divisions. How is handing me a loaded .44 any less safe than handing some retired man who has never held a gun the same pistol? I am at a loss for the logic in that situation. Is my inherent danger of being 16 such a risk as to counteract my own experience and track record of responsibility? SO back to my actual question. 1. If I purchased it, would you disapprove of allowing me to drive a car such as the GTR. and 2. Would you purchase a 2009 GTR, an 2008 M3, or a 2010 Jaguar XF? Why? Thanks in advance!



Car insurance and Road Tax?

How many cars can be covered with a fully comp.insurance cover ... and road tax Is a person with a fleet of vehicles allowed to run a business for repairing and selling cars in a no through road, which is also taking up space for visitors and residents (who have to pay community tax) to park.



Why are insurance companies such bastards?

I could never figure out why people screw their insurance companies when they can. Well now I know. They are a bunch of ethic-less, principle-less bastards. So go for it, screw them when you can for all you can. You can be assured they will do it to you first wether you are honest or not.



I dont want to pay for car insurance... is there any way around it? LOL?

I know it sounds crazy and I need insurance but is there anyway to avoid paying it... at least for just a month? I have the cheapest plan possible but its still killing me financially every month! Do you think allstate has a low income program? Do ANY of the insurance companies....?



NJ auto insurance (NJCURE), anyone ever have any problems with them?

The new insurance offered to NJ (because our rates are the highest in the nation), anyone ever use them or have any problems with them? Any advice I would appreciate.



Motorcycle insurance/registration in IL?

Do I need insurance to register my motorcycle in the state of IL? I know I don't need insurance to register it at the currency exchange, but it's cheaper at the DMV so I rather go there, I just don't know if I need proof of insurance.



How much does it cost to insure a 1987 Porsche 924?

Im just about to buy the car for $1000. I am 19 yrs old and living under my moms rules. she said i am not allowed to have this car, because we cannot afford insurance at the moment. So i would be paying for a fraction or all of it myself. i was wondering what the price to insure it would be. thanks ahead of time



If im 19 and living with my parents still will getting a motorcycle affect there insurance?

I want to get my own policy but my parents are worried that it will still raise there insurance because i live with them i just need to kno if this will make there insurance more expensive and an idea of how much insurance will cost im im getting a new honda cbr 250r



How much will my auto insurance go up(rough idea) if I get a job where I would use my car?

Just curious what range it might fall in. My premium with state farm is very low, about $70 a month with full coverage on a 1994 3000GT. Milage would be like 125 a day.



What company provides the cheapest car insurance?

The cheapest I've found for a 20 year old male driving a jeep cherokee is 974 6 months paid in full on the general car insurance. Are there any cheaper places?



How do you handle car insurance on a road trip with multiple drivers?

I'm going on a road trip from Canada to the US, and we have four people driving (including the owner of the car). Since any accident (no matter the driver) will impact the insurance of the car owner, what's the best way to deal with an accident? Driver agrees to pay direct costs associated, if anything were to happen? (though it may still impact their car insurance premiums in the long term?) Pre-pay an informal fee like $100, and if an accident happens you are absolved? If no accident, then it's free money for the car owner? How do you equitably handle it? The trip hasn't happened yet, but I figure it's best to iron out issues now rather than when it actually happens, then we become bitter enemies.


19 yr old college student wanting to buy a motorcycle, but need advice! (PLEASE HELP)?

BACKGROUND: I am a 19yr old sophomore at NC State, and I have a car on campus. I have to park 1.5 miles from my dorm, but there is motorcycle parking right near. I work about 35hrs a week off campus, and am dreading the troop to my car. I am paid about $400 every other week working for a rental company, and I also receive $100 every other week from my internship. (have had both jobs for roughly 2 months) FINANCIAL SITUATION: I have $600 saved and have been quoted at around $500 for one year of motorcycle insurance. A motorcycle parking pass near my dorm is roughly $20 yr, and I have been wanting a motorcycle so now is my excuse to get one. I was planning to pay off one year of motorcycle insurance, finance a $3000 bike--2014 Honda From, just something to play around on--(but since I earn so much, i can pay off the bike within 6 months. BUT I HAVE NO CREDIT!!! MY QUESTIONS: 1. Where is a good place to obtain a cheap loan, with no cosigning or credit? 2. How should I go about getting my motorcycle license? If I drive the bike I am thinking of purchasing up there, I may get a ticket 3. Can someone please give me some advice?? Ps, HYPOTHETICALLY, if all went my way: I could get a loan/financing at a dealership, get the bike back to my friends house (to keep there since i need a motorcycle license to purchase a motorcycle parking pass), take the road test to get my license ^OR^ get it insured, get license, buy parking pass, live happily ever after.
